Series 1935A (4) $1 Hawaii Emergency Issue Notes Consecutive Fr.2300 PMG 64EPQ-66EPQ
$1,400.00Serial Numbers: S54514144C thru S54514147C
Grades Range from 64EPQ to 66EPQ
Series 1953A (5) $2 Consecutive Red Seal United States Notes Fr.1510 Uncert. Gem
$95.00Serial Numbers: A4814541A to A48145445A
Series 1963 $2 Legal Tender Note & Series 1963A $2 LTN PMG CH.UNC.63
$85.00Two of Notes:
1963 Fr. 1513
1963A Fr. 1514
Series 1934A (2) $5 Consecutive Silver Certificates Fr.1651 Uncertified Choice Unc.
$200.00Great Paper Quality and Very Fresh
Series 1934A (6) $5 Consecutive Silver Certificates Fr.1651 2@AU58 EPQ, 4@Ch.Unc. EPQ
$500.00A Very Nice Run of Notes.
The first two are AU58 EPQ
The remaining four are Choice Unc. EPQ
If you want additional pictures please let us know.